Viewpoints and Objectives
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) has been charged with providing effective training and development programs for rural electric system management, both elected and employed.
The results of these programs are obvious in the upgrading of the quality of management in recent years. However, NRECA has limited resources for the research, experimentation, and innovations in management practices that will be required to meet the demands of a rapidly changing social order. Moreover, RUS continues to experience cutbacks thus reducing the amount of assistance they can provide to borrowers.
Thus, it is clear that some systems must assume a more active role in assuring competent, dynamic management for the future. There are people within the program who are qualified and willing to see that the necessary study and research are undertaken toward this end. Such people have formed the Rural Electric Management Development Council and the following statements express their viewpoints and objectives.
Statement of Viewpoints
We believe that the objectives of the Rural Electric Program can best be achieved through dynamic management and leadership that is based on sound cooperative philosophy coupled with modern management principles and techniques.
We believe that cooperative philosophy and management principles and techniques must be under constant study and review and that research and development of new concepts and approaches must be undertaken if rural electric systems are to effectively fulfill the responsibilities inherent in the objectives of the Rural Electric Program.
We believe that there exists within the rural electric cooperatives, and their associated organizations, the knowledge, experience and point of view necessary to identify these needs and to determine required changes.
We believe that there exists among rural electric cooperatives, and their associated organizations, those who are willing to innovate, study and improve present cooperative and management principles and practices and to translate the results of such studies into meaningful programs.
We believe that rural electric system management will be enhanced where there has been a maximum exchange of ideas and experiences among those organizations that are innovating, studying and applying up-to-date principles and techniques.
We believe that all consumer-owned rural electric systems should have the opportunity to share the results of such innovations in management practices and that this opportunity for sharing can best be provided through NRECA and other associated organizations.
Statement of Objectives
To bring together key rural electric management people who have demonstrated their application of up-to-date cooperative philosophy and management principles and techniques and who evidence an interest and willingness to participate in and contribute to study, research and innovation in the application of effective management concepts and techniques in rural electric system operations.
To contribute to the strengthening of overall electric system management by undertaking management research in areas of current concern and interest.
To develop new cooperative management concepts, approaches and techniques that will enable the management of rural electric systems to identify necessary resources and to provide the leadership required for meeting the needs of the people in an ever changing environment.
To develop the means whereby the beneficial results of the application of such management research and innovation can be interpreted and widely disseminated to rural electric systems and to encourage its effective application.