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The REMDC is established to provide a forum for those rural electric systems which have developed organizations built on the application of cooperative principles and modern management principles and techniques.


The viewpoints and objectives of the REMDC identify more specifically the beliefs and purpose that all members of the REMDC subscribe to. The REMDC's primary purpose is one of research and innovation. Research and innovation which are within the parameters of the established viewpoints and objectives.

The REMDC does not intend to provide a forum for teaching basic cooperative philosophy and basic management principles and techniques. Adequate training opportunities for this are provided by NRECA and other organizations.

Thus, to assure that the limited time available for the conduct of research and the exchange and discussion of innovative ideas can be utilized to the maximum productive extent possible, it is necessary that those systems which wish to apply for membership in the REMDC, those which wish to sponsor systems for membership and those systems which are currently members of the REMDC be fully aware of the criteria for initial and continuing membership.


Initial Membership

Any rural electric system or association of rural electric systems may apply and be considered for membership in the REMDC.The criteria for initial or continuing membership shall be adopted by the REMDC members at the REMDC annual meeting. Any amendments or changes in this criteria shall be approved by the REMDC membership.Representatives of NRECA, CFC, and RUS, and current members of the REMDC will be encouraged to nominate rural electric systems or other associations that are believed to meet all of the criteria for membership.The membership committee shall review all applications for membership and shall recommend those applicants who meet the established criteria. Approval of membership in the REMDC shall be by a majority vote of members present.

Prospective members may attend an annual meeting of the REMDC as non-paying guests the first year. If interested in joining the REMDC, the prospective member shall submit an application as prescribed in Section A.

Those applying for initial membership shall be requested to submit the following:

1. Evidence of having demonstrated their application of up-to-date cooperative philosophy and management principles and techniques. This evidence shall include the following:

  • An Organization Profile – Documentation of the existence of an organization plan for the system. The documents required will be specified and should accompany the application.

  • A System Profile – A recitation of the financial and operating characteristics of the system, including evidence of the existence of short and long range plans in specified areas.

  • A Corporate Profile – An identification of programs and activities designed to involve the members and the public. Evidence of a recognition and pursuit of goals designed to enhance the consumer ownership and public responsibility of the system.

  • A Growth and Development Profile – Evidence of specific programs and activities undertaken by the system to go beyond normal requirements for management, individual development and member involvement. This should include the identification of beneficial results therefrom.

2. A statement of a commitment to participate in and contribute to study, research and innovation in the application of management in rural electric system operations.

3. A statement of the system’s willingness to pay dues or other approved assessments of the REMDC, to attend and participate in REMDC meetings and to accept committee or program assignments.

4. An expression of willingness to share your individual management innovations with the REMDC for information and evaluation purposes.


Continuing Membership

All members of the REMDC shall be subject to continuing membership review at least every five years. Subject systems shall be notified at the REMDC annual meeting preceding the review.

Applications for recertification as continuing members shall include:

  • A recap of attendance and involvement in the annual meeting programs.

  • A recap of committee assignments and research activities.

  • Evidence of a continuing dedication to, and active support of, excellence in rural electric management and leadership.

The membership committee shall review the applications for recertification and present them to the REMDC for approval at the next annual meeting.


Honorary Membership

The following individuals, or their designated representatives, are considered as continuing honorary members of the REMDC. The REMDC encourages their active participation in all REMDC projects and activities.

Director of Management Services – NRECA
Borrower’s Operations Office – CFC
Director/Electric Borrower’s Office Management Division – RUS


Termination of Membership

Membership in the REMDC shall be terminated by:

i. A letter of withdrawal from a member system, or;

ii. Upon investigation and recommendation by the membership committee, a majority vote of the members present.



The annual dues shall be $1,500.00, payable prior to the annual meeting of the REMDC. Payment of dues shall permit the attendance of key management people from each member system.

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